Dear SKSS Supporters,

The Safer Kids, Safer Schools (SKSS) final report has been completed, please see links listed below. Thank you for your participation in the SKSS Public Input Sessions. Together, we learned much about preventing school shootings and understand the urgent and important work that lies ahead in our schools and in our community.

We will present our report and findings to the TCAPS School Board at their 6 p.m. meeting on Monday, November 13, 2023 at the Boardman Building. Please plan to attend!

We encourage you to share this report with your friends, neighbors and co-workers. It is our civic responsibility to help identify young people in crisis and care for their well-being. Keeping our kids safer at school and in our community requires a new form of community literacy and action. Together we must support this work with compassion, time, energy and resources. The challenges are too great and the stakes are too high to ignore.


Jay Berger, SKSS Co-founder and Co-chair
Kelly Hirko, Co-chair
Kathleen Guy, SKSS Co-founder