Safer Kids

Safer Schools

The Safer Kids, Safer Schools (SKSS) Task Force will share their final report with the community the following dates & locations:

    • 01/11/2024, Thursday – TC Central High School Library 7PM
    • 01/18/2024, Thursday – TC West High School Library 7PM.

The Safer Kids, Safer Schools (SKSS) final report has been completed and is accessible in the hyperlinks below. 

Thank you to everyone who participation in the SKSS Public Input Sessions. Together, we learned much about preventing school shootings and understand the urgent and important work that lies ahead in our schools and in our community.

We need our community to get behind a key objective from the final report – Ensure Every Child in Our Community Has One Positive Connection 

The Safer Kids, Safer Schools (SKSS) task force is a short-term, citizen-led, open dialogue dedicated to exploring perspectives and solutions to increase the safety and well-being of the youth in our schools and our community.


The Safer Kids, Safer Schools (SKSS) final report has been completed and is linked below. Thank you for your participation in the SKSS Public Input Sessions. Together, we learned much about preventing school shootings and understand the urgent and important work that lies ahead in our schools and in our community.

We encourage you to share this report with your friends, neighbors and co-workers. It is our civic responsibility to help identify young people in crisis and care for their well-being. Keeping our kids safer at school and in our community requires a new form of community literacy and action. Together we must support this work with compassion, time, energy and resources. The challenges are too great and the stakes are too high to ignore.

Safer Kids Safer Schools Final Report Summary

Safer Kids Safer Schools Final Report 

Safer Kids Safer Schools Recommended Strategies


Strong connections to peers and teachers leads to Safer Kids & Safer Schools. Please sign the online petition (and share it with all of your personal networks) to encourage TCAPS to support an "Away for the Day" cellphone policy at all of our local public schools.


Read the Safer Kids, Safer Schools Strategy Summary which reflects the second round of community input sessions that were held in person on 5/16/23 and 5/18/23.


Read our Draft Report - scroll down to read the report


Review the Data Packet from Round I Community Input Sessions - see the "Updates" tab and scroll down to 4/27/23

Community Input Session


Please join us for a Community Input Session about school safety and the ongoing work of
our local Safer Kids, Safer Schools Taskforce. Please plan to attend one session in Round 1
and one session in Round 2.

Safer Kids, Safer Schools Task Force

Draft Report of March 20, 2023

Join Today

Interested in staying up to date?

This website is where you can find out what’s happened at each session. The SKSS task force will prepare a recommendation report at the end of their time together. This report will be shared with TCAPS, community partners and stakeholders, and be available for public on this website. You can also use the sign-up form on the left to join our mailing list.